Monthly Archives: July 2011

Comforting Grandma

I drive down Tommy’s street, scanning for a sight of my favorite four-year-old. What do I see? A little boy in a yellow shirt and dark shorts, wearing a helmet and walking his scooter, Mom by his side. Finally!

Tommy’s a busy little boy. In day care full-time and enjoying lots of activities with Mommy and Daddy on gorgeous summer days . . . it’s hard for him to pencil me in!

I scoop him up in my arms. “I’ve missed you so much,” I say, putting my head on his shoulder. And my active little grandson lets me just stand and hold him. He pats me on the back and gives me a few moments of quiet  comfort with him before we start to chat.

Who gives children such sensitivity? Who teaches them to pity the caterpillar, entertain the baby and offer their toy to a stranger?

Clearly, the same One Who teaches the birds to sing and the fish to swim! And He calls us to be “labourers together with God” (I Corinthians 3:9), helping these little ones to grow in wisdom and compassion. How He honours us!